
: not a brass razoo No money at all. A razoo is a non-existent coin of trivial value. The origin of the term is unknown, although it is possibly a corruption of the French coin called a sou. The expression is always used in the negative-'We did all the fundraising ourselves. Not a brass razoo came from the government'. The brass of brass razoowas no doubt influenced by the British brass farthing. The phrase often appears in the form not worth a brass razoo meaning 'worth nothing at all'.

Australian idioms. 2014.

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  • razoo — /rə zooˈ/ (Aust and NZ informal) noun A (non existent) coin of insignificant value, esp in phrases not have a (brass) razoo, give someone every last razoo, etc ORIGIN: Origin obscure …   Useful english dictionary

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  • razoo — n Australian a very small sum of money, a brass far thing . A word said to be of Maori origin, used in negative phrases such as I haven t got a brass razoo or without a razoo …   Contemporary slang

  • razoo — /raˈzu / (say rah zooh) Colloquial –noun 1. a gambling chip. –phrase 2. not have a brass razoo, to have no money at all. 3. not worth a brass razoo, not worth anything. Also, rahzoo. {origin uncertain} …  

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  • Brass razoo — is an Australian term that arose as [military s so. url= http://members.ozemail.com.au/ jpascal/comp3.htm |title= Value and price |author= J. Pascal |work= OzEmail |accessdate=2008 03 02 ] The term itself is not a neologism, but has been part of… …   Wikipedia

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  • Not to have got a brass razoo — to be very poor …   Dictionary of Australian slang

  • Not worth a brass razoo — not even worth a penny …   Dictionary of Australian slang

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