
Rogaining is a sport similar to orienteering, in which teams compete over a course which requires at least twelve hours to compete. N. and R. Phillips in Rogaining (1982) explain: Rogaining is the sport of long distance cross-country navigation in which teams of two to five members visit as many checkpoints as possible in an allocated period. Teams travel entirely on foot, navigating by map and compass in terrain that varies from open farmland to thick, hilly forest. A central base camp provides hot meals throughout the event and teams may return there at ant time to eat, rest or sleep. What is the origin of the term? A hint is provided in ACT Orienteering News 7 March 1986: According to the book Rogaining-cross-country navigation by Neil and Rod Phillips, the term was introduced in 1976 to coordinate and promote a rapidly developing sport which had originated as the Melboune Uni. Mountaineering Club 25 hour walk (a line event)... and later, the Surrey Thomas Rover Crew annual hike. The contribution of Neil, Rod and also Gail Phillips in promotion of the sport initially in Victoria and later in W.A. and Tas. is understated in the book, and no explanation is offered for the term which they introduced. However, it is altogether too much of a coincidence that 'rogaine' is a compound word of the first letters of each of their names: Rod, Gail and Neil.

Australian idioms. 2014.

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  • rogaining — /roʊˈgeɪnɪŋ / (say roh gayning) noun a competitive sport involving cross country navigation over long distances and entailing movement both by day and night. Compare orienteering. {See rogaine} –rogainer, noun …  

  • Rogaine — ist eine besondere Form des Orientierungslaufes. Das Akronym stammt aus dem Englischen und bedeutet so viel wie „Schroffe Betätigung für Gruppen im Außenbereich mit Navigation im Dauerlauf“ („Rugged Outdoor Group Activity Involving Navigation and …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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  • rogaine — /ˈroʊgeɪn/ (say rohgayn) verb (i) (rogained, rogaining) 1. to participate in the sport of rogaining. –noun 2. an instance or course of rogaining: we went on a 12 hour rogaine. {from the first names of the people who introduced the sport, Ro(d)… …  

  • Mountain marathon — is an extended form of fell running, usually over two days and often with a strong orienteering element. Competitors usually participate in teams of two, and have to carry their own food and tent. There are various classes of event (such as, for… …   Wikipedia

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