
The didgeridoo is a wind instrument that was originally found only in Arnhem Land in northern Australia. It is a long, wooden, tubular instrument that produces a low-pitched, resonant sound with complex, rhythmic patterns but little tonal variation. In popular understanding most Australians probably believe that this is an Aboriginal word. Indeed, the 1988 edition of The Australian National Dictionary attributed it to the Yolngu language of northern Queensland. Subsequent research has cast doubt on this etymology, and in 1990 the following statement was made inAustralian Aboriginal Words in English: 'Although it has been suggested that this must be a borrowing from an Australian language it is not one. The name probably evolved from white people's ad hoc imitation of the sound of the instrument'. This argument is supported by the two earliest citations: 1919 Huon Times (Franklin): 'The nigger crew is making merry with the Diridgery doo and the eternal ya-ya-ya ye-ye-ye cry'. 1919 Smith's Weekly (Sydney): 'The Northern Territory aborigines have an infernal - allegedly musical - instrument composed of two feet of hollow bamboo. It produces but one sound -'didjerry, didjerry, didjerry -' and so on ad infinitum'.

Australian idioms. 2014.

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  • didgeridoo — 1924, Australian, of imitative origin …   Etymology dictionary

  • didgeridoo — ► NOUN ▪ an Australian Aboriginal wind instrument in the form of a long wooden tube, blown to produce a deep resonant sound. ORIGIN from an Aboriginal language …   English terms dictionary

  • didgeridoo — [dij′ə rē do͞o΄, dij΄ə rē do͞o′] n. pl. didgeridoos [name in a language of N Australia] a wind instrument made from a long, hollowed branch that is blown on one end to produce a drone of low pitched, resonant tones: it originated among Aborigines …   English World dictionary

  • Didgeridoo — For the Aphex Twin single, see Digeridoo (EP). Didgeridoo Top: Traditionally crafted decorated Middle: Bamboo souvenir didgeridoo Bottom: Traditionally crafted undecorated Brass instrument …   Wikipedia

  • Didgeridoo — Das Didgeridoo [dɪdʒərɪˈduː] ist ein obertonreiches Blasinstrument aus der Familie der Aerophone auf dem Tonerzeugungsprinzip der Polsterpfeife und gilt als traditionelles Musikinstrument der nordaustralischen Aborigines. Im traditionellen… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Didgeridoo — Le didgeridoo est un instrument de musique à vent. A l origine, cet instrument est joué par les Aborigènes du Nord de l Australie, son usage semble très ancien, certains prétendent qu il pourrait remonter à l âge de la pierre (20 000 ans), d… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Didgeridoo — Un didgeridoo. El didgeridoo, didjeridu o diyiridú es un instrumento de viento, o aerófono, ancestral utilizado por los aborígenes de Australia. Básicamente es un tubo de madera, el cual se hace sonar al hacer vibrar los labios en el interior. Se …   Wikipedia Español

  • Didgeridoo — Did|ge|ri|doo [dɪd̮ʒəri du: ], das; s, s [engl. didgeridoo, aus der Sprache der Ureinwohner Australiens, lautm.]: langes, röhrenförmiges Blasinstrument der australischen Ureinwohner. * * * Didgeridoo   [englisch, dɪdʒərɪ du, auch Didjeridu; in… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Didgeridoo — El didgeridoo es un instrumento de viento (o aerófono) ancestral utilizado por los aborigenes de Australia. Es un instrumento no melódico, que emite una vibración grave y profunda, la cual puede ser modulada y dotada de ritmo. Se supone que tiene …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • didgeridoo — UK [ˌdɪdʒərɪˈduː] / US [ˌdɪdʒərɪˈdu] noun [countable] Word forms didgeridoo : singular didgeridoo plural didgeridoos a traditional Australian musical instrument consisting of a long wooden tube that you blow into …   English dictionary

  • didgeridoo — {{#}}{{LM D43366}}{{〓}} {{[}}didgeridoo{{]}} {{《}}▍ s.m.{{》}} Instrumento de viento de origen australiano, y que originalmente consistía en una rama de bambú ahuecada y moldeada con cera en uno de sus extremos para apoyar la boca: • Vimos un… …   Diccionario de uso del español actual con sinónimos y antónimos

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